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As Australia’s peak professional body for environmental educators, we advocate for environmental education and contribute to skills development to help you stay at the forefront of education for sustainability. We provide a network for the growing force of cross-sector environmental educators across our states and territories.

Reptile Project and Dragon Blitz

The Supporting Urban and Peri Urban Endangered Reptiles - SUPER project has been designed to raise awareness about biodiversity and the Biodiversity Crisis through focusing our local reptiles, as they are reasonably easy to spot and photograph or observe from a short distance - not to mention fascinating!  The project is designed to help schools record biodiversity and develop education strategies that will help raise awareness and build understanding of the biodiversity crisis and local strategies to help support our wildlife.  We want to encourage people to learn to identify their local reptiles, begin to record data on their distribution and relative abundance, and add it to our shared database.  To do this we have created some resources; an identification booklet on the reptiles of the Greater Darwin region to help with identification, and an adapted MacKinnon List to record the species sighted.  The data from MacKinnon Lists will be useful in establishing the distribution of species across the Greater Darwin region and will provide a rough estimation of the relative abundance of said species. 

For more information see the Biodiversity crisis menu on this site and the Reptilewatch site on the Biodiversity portal